Hand Made Wool Saddle Pads

Ferris modeling a hand made wool saddle pad
Farris modeling a hand made wool saddle pad

These saddle pads are hand made by hooking Navajo Churro wool roving through a rug canvas. The colors are all natural; no dye is used. The wool loops feel soft and squishy, but do not completely compress. This gives padding and allows for movement, while maintaining air flow. The natural wool material tends to adhere to the horse’s hair better than slick synthetic materials.

Here is a picture of my Navajo Churro wool saddle pad I made for a lady with a dark bay mule. That mule really likes it and it looked good on her. If you would like to make your mule or horse happy with one of my hand made saddle pads contact me, Kim

hand made wool saddle pad with stripes and triangles

Here is a sample of some of the pads Kim has made.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira